The previews are In! Join us this weekend!

Ellen Avatar


Alex Burtzos

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Dominique Labelle, Aston Magna guest soprano
Dominique Labelle, soprano


Aston Magna’s first full weekend of concerts is just days away, and the press is taking note! It’s not too late to get your tickets to our venues at Brandeis, at TSL in Hudson, N.Y., and at Saint James Place in Great Barrington.

From the Boston Globe: “New Music, Old Instruments,” by writer Zoe Madonna, previews this weekend’s program: Bach, Telemann, Handel & Burtzos, with its premier of “The Hourglass Equation” by the dynamic composer Alex Burtzos. Zoe Madonna speaks in depth with Alex, and with Aston Magna’s Artistic Director Daniel Stepner, as well as Aston Magna Founder Lee Elman.  Can’t open the link? Read it here.

In his Berkshire Edge, previewer David Noel Edwards brings an “edge” to his preview, reminding us: “… if you love early music and live anywhere near the Berkshires, you already know about Aston Magna. You already know who gave the first American perform­ances of the complete Bach Brandenburg Concer­tos on original in­stru­ments.” (Yes, that’s us!)

In a conversation with The Millbrook Independent, Dan Stepner talks about the sounds of early music and its unique instrumentation. Says Dan: “How full an instrument’s sound is has much to do with the room in which is played. Much of the music we play was meant for small to medium sized venues; churches, chapels, court chambers, drawing rooms. We try to play in such spaces, which suit our restored instruments more.